Friday, May 18, 2012

Test 1, 2.... We're baaaaack!

So after almost a year of no blogging, my friend Alicia Mills has inspired me to start blogging again, just to keep family back home up to date with what is going on in our lives. I love her blog-it's short and sweet.  And so is Alicia and her sweet family.  Alicia is married to one of Matt's teammates Beau Mills. They have a daughter named Kensie, who is close to Brielle's age. They are our neighbors in Columbus. Alicia is a fabulous mom, who loves to run! (She has given me some inspiration to do another half...maybe. ha!) Let's just say I could go on and on about her and how much we have in common and how much I love her! I'm pretty sure she will be included in future posts as we are at a lot of baseball games together and we like to take classes together at the gym!

To give everyone a little run down of what we are up to: Brielle is a TODDLER now!! I can't believe it! She is walking, babbling, and LOVES Dora!  We are currently living in Columbus, OH, where Matt is playing for the AAA team of the Cleveland Indians.  I actually really like it here. It's beautiful and green and has pretty much everything that I need-except family. Also, there are a lot of Matt's teammates who have kids around Brielle's age. It is a lot of fun to see them all together! 

Brielle in front of our apt

Brielle and Kensie at the fountain downtown. This fountain is AWESOME!!

Brielle and Daddy at an awesome park near our place 

haha! Family shot!

Oh yeah and a new milestone for Bri-she has PIGGY TALES!!!! :)

Anyway, I'll do my best to keep you all updated!! xo


  1. Yayyy!!! Welcome back!!! :) I love your new blog header. Too cute!! Glad to hear ya'll are doing well. Keep the updates coming! ;)

  2. Thats my girl!! Your blog is SO great; the pictures of you guys at the park are the cutest! Thank you for your sweet and kind words : ) I told my mom that I'd be lost without you! Ha ha seriously though, I so appreciate your sweet heart and happy attitude and your company!

  3. So glad you are back! Brielle just keeps getting I love hearing what y'all are up to. We miss the Pagnozzis!
