So since Matt received the call it has been a bit of a whirl-wind. We have been staying in hotels, moving, and traveling from city to city. Which has made it pretty hectic, but at the same time, I have been trying to slow down a bit a let it all sink in. Even though Matt has been called up before, it is still very exciting, and I like to take time to savor every moment, as it clearly can be taken away at any time.
Right after Matt got called up, the team was going to go on the road to play the Yankees! PLUS they had an off day there, which made it extra special! I have been to NYC many times, but never to see my husband play at Yankee stadium!! However, I wasn’t too thrilled about bringing a baby there. I know people do it all of the time, and actually a few of the ladies on the team brought their babies, but I just had no desire. So, I left Brielle with my mom in Az, and I flew to NYC! I was very nervous about leaving my sweet girl, but I knew that she was in great hands with my mom. Matt and I really had no big plans for the off day. And to be honest, we really did not do anything but shop a little, eat at yummy diners, and held hands walking the streets. It was the first time we had been away together without baby, and although I missed her, it was very nice to just sit and talk with no interruption.
So a few weeks later, we are finally settled into our apartment in Denver. It was a little hectic trying to get everything transferred over. But we are finally all settled into our little one bedroom/one bath *with a den, apt in downtown Denver. I actually really love living downtown. I can walk anywhere AND I don’t have to truck up and down three flights of stairs with a baby, groceries etc. We are on the 6th floor, but thankfully, there is an elevator!:)
So as this time is going by SO fast, we are just trying to savor every moment, and thanking Jesus for His many blessings!
“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” 1Chronicles 16:34